Rabbit Rabbit
I did not want to get out of bed today. It smelled of a storm, I was very happy with where I was, and I had my first "hangover" (I cannot get hangovers, it's impossible. I should just start trying for shits and giggles, just to see if I actually can) as the result of Dr. Thunder. Tyler's dog Max was barking for an hour straight.
He would not stop! So we fed, played, walked and everything else just to try and stop him, and failed. Needless to say, we were very late for another lovely Dreadnaughts practice at Ben's house. I got to meet Ben's tortoise, Turtle.
I once again enjoyed sitting in on their practice a lot. They have a show tomorrow. Check it out:
After practice, Economixx class took over again.
I know all the ins and outs of MCC now. It's pretty awesome. I'm spending a great deal of time listening to American Steel right now. I like it a lot. A lot a lot. Tyler should be getting out of class soon. Then home! And sleep! Yes!
Catch you on the side that flips!